Fantastic-M orthodontic adhesive is designed to set on contact, “Cure-On Touch”, thus saving the dentist chair time. This procedure can also minimize erratic mixing procedures, and therefore reducing the possibility of errors caused by paste inconsistencies, a problem often encountered in other types of adhesives. Fantastic M has strong, reliable bond, mistake-proof cure-on-touch system: fast and easy to use, color stable and it economical in application. Fantastic-M starts to set only after the bracket is applied to the tooth, giving the operator the convenience and security of virtually unlimited working time. This material is very reliable due to its outstanding adhesive properties. Also, due to the soft filler, Fantastic-M is easy to clean. The material is highly tacky, therefore, brackets will not slide after being placed on the tooth, but rather they will remain immobilized until the material cures. Delayed cure time permits the operator to correct the position of the brackets up to 15 seconds after placement. Fantastic-M is very economical, unlike conventional adhesives that are normally mixed in excess.
Refills: Fantastic Activator 10 g bottle
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