Colla Guide Characteristics
Colla Guide is safe, and doesn’t induce inflammation or provoke rejection, because it is manufactured with highly refined type 1 atelo-collagen derived from a porcine skin.
It is manufactured with medical grade collagen in accordance with international quality control standards.
With it excellent absorb able characteristics, secondary surgery for removing membrane is unnecessary.
For its outstanding tensile strength and flexibility, handling is much easier.
Ideal bi-layer structure with collagen film layer blocking bacteria/foreign material and collagen sponge layer inducing easy tissue regeneration guides rapid bone regeneration.
It lasts from 3 to 5 months, thus provides enough recovery period.
Structure of Colla Guide
Colla Guide has ideal bi layer structure composed of film layer acting as a barrier and sponge layer inducing tissue regeneration with good porosity.
Tensile strength of Colla Guide
Superior tensile strength of Colla Guide compared to other products both in dry and wet conditions results in resistance to tearing.
Scientific data
2 months after surgical treatment, film layer of Colla Guide acts as an effective barrier, and rapid ossification is observed on the sponge layer by osteocytes formation.
Histological section (in vivo)
3 months after the surgical treatment, tight attachment of newly formed bone is observed.
Colla Guide maintains its form for up to 8 weeks without being absorbed.